• +91-8957021510
  • contact@uptecnet.com


About Course:

ASP.NET is an open source web framework, for building modern web apps and services with .NET. It is cross platform and runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, and Docker.

After completing this course, students will learn to create web based applications using a rich set of controls, how to secure (authentication and authorization) web applications, create asynchronous web applications using ASP.NET AJAX, create and use web services, and deploy web applications.

Duration Methodology Course Content Assessment Certification
60 Hours Face to Face Class
  • The .Net Framework
  • The C# Language
  • Visual Studio
  • Web Form Fundamentals
  • Event Handling
  • Basic Web Controls
  • State Management
  • Validation
  • Rich controls
  • Styles, Themes, and Master Pages
  • Website Navigation
  • Working with Data (ADO.NET, Data Binding & Data Controls)
  • Website Security
  • Data Caching
  • Web Services
  • Deployment
On the Basis of Performance in class Certification by UPTEC